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1. Day care program 安亲班
Do homework on site and free access to our library
2. Primary program 课后辅导班
Help to finish homework on site PLUS fundamental skills on English and Math from our experienced teachers 由我们经验丰富的老师帮助完成作业以及练习英语和数学
3. Elective Coures 选修课
Chinese, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Writing, Spanish, ESL/ELD private tutor, Science, Biology, Piano Practicing, Volleyball, etc.
中文、基础代数、代数 1、几何、写作、西班牙语、ESL/ELD 私教、科学、生物、钢琴练习、排球等
Give your child the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive in our enriching after-school program!
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